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Leading with HEART

We all have the opportunity to be a leader. If we have the ability to influence just one person, we are a leader. I am especially fond of encouraging young leaders. I had the opportunity to see what true leadership looks like during my eight years of leading a staff of 30+ summer day camp counselors. Our target population was 5 to 12 year olds. With anywhere between 80 and 150 campers, creating a healthy environment for my staff to thrive and inspire their team was paramount. Here are a few tips from a camp director that truly loved her job! Just FYI, these principles can be adopted to be used in the classroom and at home with your children.

I am going to use the acronym of HEART to bring this truth to life for you.

H stands for HUMILITY. Bring humility to all that you do. Be confident in your leadership, but be real and humble. Your staff needs to know that they can trust you and go to you for help and assistance when needed. In a camp environment, you can establish a team culture of mutual respect. Set the tone for respect and authenticity. I have seen this happen time and time again. When you care and respect your team, it organically creates loyalty, and you will have staff members return year after year to work with and for you.

E stands for ENCOURAGEMENT. Giving encouragement to your staff team must be a priority. As you interact and instruct your team of your expectations, look for times to celebrate when someone is caught doing things right. There is not one person who doesn’t thrive under leadership that is encouraging! Encouraging leadership will bring about creativity and devotion from your staff that is authentic and true. Encouragement can come in many forms. Be creative with this! It may be one-on-one, announced to the team, presented in a note, or it could be a surprise of coffee and doughnuts for the whole team for a job well done! Encouragement is like a refreshing cup of water on a hundred-degree day. Be generous and authentic with your encouragement. You will be surprised how much your team will thrive under a leader who believes in them and encourages them!

A stands for APPRECIATION. A true leader knows that a successful team only happens when everyone is doing their job, at every level of leadership. When each team member is giving their best and following through with the expectations that have been set before them, team excellence is inevitable. It is so important to appreciate your team members! Learn to give gratitude and give it generously! When you model this, you will begin to see a team that has an attitude of gratitude. This simple kindness goes along way to build team morale.

R stands for RESPECT. Respect is the foundation of a quality team! You can’t have a successful team, without respect. Everyone on the team, no matter their level of leadership, should be treated with equal respect. Respect is the way you greet your team. It is found in the way you handle a different point of view, or the way you thank someone for a job well done. Respect requires that you see everyone, not just the people that make you look good. When you choose to see everyone, you have chosen to put the growth and needs of your team at the top of your list, instead of what you personally need or desire. Respect for your team members creates an environment where team members give their very best and desire to see the entire team win! Mutual respect among any team is a beautiful thing!

Finally, T stands for TEAM SPIRIT! Developing a team spirit is one of the best parts about building a team. It is taking the common workplace, and making it a place where people love to come to work. Here are a few ways to create a team dynamic that is strong and creates connections among the team. Speak to your team at least once a week in the mornings. This is your time to inspire them and encourage them to be their very best. Another simple idea is to choose a day in the month and have something special for the team, like donuts or fruit and bagels to start the day. Another idea is to plan team building activities for your team. Plan a picnic, a movie night, a staff dinner, or a service project that everyone can participate in. These type of activities encourage the staff to connect and create an atmosphere of friendship and loyalty to one another! This is definitely a win for everyone!

I hope that you will infuse HEART into all that you do. This type of leadership brings about positivity and excellence among a team and will change the face of your organization for the BEST!

HeiDee Bieber resides in Cumming, GA with her husband. She is currently the founder and director of Rise Academy. She is available to come and help you develop and create an excellent staff team and summer day camp program for your school and church.

develop and create an excellent staff team and summer day camp program for your school and church.

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