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Mommy Moment #3: Cherish Today!

I remember thinking, somewhere between my number 3 child and the 4th, that I think that I will be changing diapers for the rest of my life. I had my first three children in under three years. It was a very busy time during those beginning years. I felt like I was changing a diaper constantly. In all honesty, the thought of my diaper assembly line each day was quite daunting, at times. Then a random hug and "I love you, mommy" made every "mommy task" seem so worth it. And it was. But I am here today to tell you that I get it. Life with 0 - 5 year olds is completely hands-on, exhausting, and there is rarely any "down time" for momma, especially if you are a stay-at home mom.

I am here to encourage you. Here are a few tips that helped me during those "little human" years.

1.) Remember that this is not forever. In the great span of time, the time with your little people will go by so fast. When I had just my oldest two girls, out of five children, a wise woman from church gave me the best advice. She said to take each day, one day at a time and one moment at a time. Be present to fully enjoy this magical time in your family's life. She reminded me to always put a chore off to kiss a boo-boo, enjoy snuggle time, and just talk and listen with your kiddos. She ended the conversation by saying, "I know it doesn't feel like this, but your time with your kiddos will fly by. Make every effort to relish in the sweet smells and sounds of your children." That was by far the BEST advice I ever received. I really worked at taking this to heart daily.

2.) Plan the night before, if there is something special you are doing the next day. Organize your diaper bag, snacks, and toys. Choose your kids' outfits too. I even put out the hair bow that would match the outfit. When you plan ahead, you will find that you are a much calmer mom. You will find that making your morning start off less hectic is the recipe for success. Your peace and patience will set the tone for the rest of the day, for the most part. Since we can't always predict a possible bump on the road of life, because we are dealing with little humans, planning ahead really will help. Take it from this mom of five, getting organized the night before helped with my mental health and allowed me to be present and invested for the day. Mental peace is so important for all mommas.

3.) Be flexible, but have a routine. Don't be so intense about your checklists and expectations. Be realistic when each day arises. During the day, I would try to bring the kids into my expectations I had set for the day. I might mention, "Today mommy hopes to straighten our rooms and vacuum them." I would give each one a task and we would work on it together. Now, I would stick to my meal and nap routine, but I would try to make my jobs fun and get the kids involved to accomplish my daily goals. Let your kiddos help. So, it will probably not be as neat or in the right spot, but is that really the most important task of the day? I decided early on that modeling the behavior I wanted would become a habit in the long run. As my children got older, cleaning a bedroom or the playroom was not so overwhelming, because they had learned what to do.

These are just a few helpful hints. Now that my oldest four children are happily married, and my youngest is still in college, I can say with heartfelt honesty and compassion . . . "Enjoy your children, enjoy your time with little people in your home, because it goes way too fast.

Blessings, peace, and joy be yours. Hugs, HeiDee

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